
UEFA is committed, in the course of its activities and in compliance with applicable data protection laws, to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data, as well as to respect your privacy. Further information on what data we collect, why we collect it and what we do with it can be found in the documents below:

UEFA Privacy Policy – This policy explains how UEFA uses personal data when people access UEFA’s websites, use UEFA's official apps, play our games on Gaming Hub, interact with our social media profiles, and/or when they communicate with UEFA.

UEFA Player and Related Persons Privacy – This notice informs the players and all persons associated with such players and UEFA (but other than those employed or contracted by UEFA) including match officials and club or national team staff about the way their personal data is processed at UEFA. It provides details on the types of personal data we may collect, how it will be processed, the third parties to whom it may be forwarded and how long we will keep it. It also explains the rights of the players and associated persons with respect to that personal data.